Plots Examples

Disciplines > Storytelling > Plots > Tobias' 20 Plots

  1. Math Line Plots Examples
  2. Dot Plots Examples

Overcoming the Monster. Overcoming the Monster stories involve a hero who must destroy a. Basic Line Plot in R. Figure 1 visualizes the output of the previous R syntax: A line chart with a single. The following examples provide some practice with stem-and-leaf plots, as well as explaining some details of formatting, and showing how to create a 'key' for your plot. Subjects in a psychological study were timed while completing a certain task. Complete a stem-and-leaf plot for the following list of times.

The 20 Plots | See also

Ronald Tobias, in his popular and practical book, 20 Master Plots, and how to build them, describes 20 common story plots and gives lots of detail on how to construct complete stories around them.

The 20 Plots

1. Quest

The hero searches for something, someone, or somewhere. In reality, they may be searching for themselves, with the outer journey mirrored internally. They may be joined by a companion, who takes care of minor detail and whose limitations contrast with the hero's greater qualities.

2. Adventure

The protagonist goes on an adventure, much like a quest, but with less of a focus on the end goal or the personal development of hero hero. In the adventure, there is more action for action's sake.

3. Pursuit

In this plot, the focus is on chase, with one person chasing another (and perhaps with multiple and alternating chase). The pursued person may be often cornered and somehow escape, so that the pursuit can continue. Depending on the story, the pursued person may be caught or may escape.

4. Rescue

In the rescue, somebody is captured, who must be released by the hero or heroic party. A triangle may form between the protagonist, the antagonist and the victim. There may be a grand duel between the protagonist and antagonist, after which the victim is freed.

5. Escape

In a kind of reversal of the rescue, a person must escape, perhaps with little help from others. In this, there may well be elements of capture and unjust imprisonment. There may also be a pursuit after the escape.

6. Revenge

In the revenge plot, a wronged person seeks retribution against the person or organization which has betrayed or otherwise harmed them or loved ones, physically or emotionally. This plot depends on moral outrage for gaining sympathy from the audience.

7. The Riddle

The riddle plot entertains the audience and challenges them to find the solution before the hero, who steadily and carefully uncovers clues and hence the final solution. The story may also be spiced up with terrible consequences if the riddle is not solved in time.

8. Rivalry

In rivalry, two people or groups are set as competitors that may be good hearted or as bitter enemies. Rivals often face a zero-sum game, in which there can only be one winner, for example where they compete for a scarce resource or the heart of a single other person.

9. Underdog

The underdog plot is similar to rivalry, but where one person (usually the hero) has less advantage and might normally be expected to lose. The underdog usually wins through greater tenacity and determination (and perhaps with the help of friendly others).

10. Temptation

In the temptation plot, a person is tempted by something that, if taken, would somehow diminish them, often morally. Their battle is thus internal, fighting against their inner voices which tell them to succumb.

11. Metamorphosis

In this fantastic plot, the protagonist is physically transformed, perhaps into beast or perhaps into some spiritual or alien form. The story may then continue with the changed person struggling to be released or to use their new form for some particular purpose. Eventually, the hero is released, perhaps through some great act of love.

12. Transformation

The transformation plot leads to change of a person in some way, often driven by unexpected circumstance or event. After setbacks, the person learns and usually becomes something better.

13. Maturation

The maturation plot is a special form of transformation, in which a person grows up. The veils of younger times are lost as they learn and grow. Thus the rudderless youth finds meaning or perhaps an older person re-finds their purpose.

14. Love

The love story is a perennial tale of lovers finding one another, perhaps through a background of danger and woe. Along the way, they become separated in some way, but eventually come together in a final joyous reunion.

15. Forbidden Love

The story of forbidden love happens when lovers are breaking some social rules, such as in an adulterous relationship or worse. The story may thus turn around their inner conflicts and the effects of others discovering their tryst.

16. Sacrifice

In sacrifice, the nobler elements of the human sprit are extolled as someone gives much more than most people would give. The person may not start with the intent of personal sacrifice and may thus be an unintentional hero, thus emphasizing the heroic nature of the choice and act.

17. Discovery

The discovery plot is strongly focused on the character of the hero who discovers something great or terrible and hence must make a difficult choice. The importance of the discovery might not be known at first and the process of revelation be important to the story.

18. Wretched Excess

In stories of wretched excess, the protagonist goes beyond normally accepted behavior as the world looks on, horrified, perhaps in realization that 'there before the grace of God go I' and that the veneer of civilization is indeed thin.

Good examples of plot

19. Ascension

In the ascension plot, the protagonist starts in the virtual gutter, as a sinner of some kind. The plot then shows their ascension to becoming a better person, often in response to stress that would defeat a normal person. Thus they achieve deserved heroic status.

20. Descension

In the opposite to ascension, a person of initially high standing descends to the gutter and moral turpitude, perhaps sympathetically as they are unable to handle stress and perhaps just giving in to baser vices.

See also

Ronald B. Tobias, 20 Master Plots, and how to build them, Cincinnati: Writer's Digest Books, 1993

A Dot Plot is a graphical display of data using dots.

Example: Minutes To Eat Breakfast

A survey of 'How long does it take you to eat breakfast?' has these results:


Which means that 6 people take 0 minutes to eat breakfast (they probably had no breakfast!), 2 people say they only spend 1 minute having breakfast, etc.

And here is the dot plot:

You can create your own dot plots.

Another version of the dot plot has just one dot for each data point like this:

Example: (continued)

This has the same data as above:

But notice that we need numbers on the side so we can see what the dots mean.


Example: Access to Electricity across the World

Some people don't have access to electricity (they live in remote or poorly served areas). A survey of many countries had these results:

CountryAccess to Electricity
(% of population)
Algeria 99.4
Angola 37.8
Argentina 97.2
Bahrain 99.4
Bangladesh 59.6
...... etc

But hang on! How do we make a dot plot of that? There might be only one '59.6' and one '37.8', etc. Nearly all values will have just one dot.

The answer is to group the data (put it into 'bins').

In this case let's try rounding every value to the nearest 10%:

CountryAccess to Electricity
(% of population,
nearest 10%)
Algeria 100
Angola 40
Argentina 100
Bahrain 100
Bangladesh 60
...... etc
Plots examples

Now we count how many of each 10% grouping and these are the results:

Access to Electricity
(% of population,
nearest 10%)
Number of

So there were 5 countries where only 10% of the people had access to electricity, 6 countries where 20% of the people had access to electricity, etc

Here is the dot plot:

Math Line Plots Examples

Percent of Population with Access to Electricity

Dot Plots Examples

And that is a good plot, it shows the data nicely.

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